Who can become a civil defence volunteer?
- A person who intends to apply for appointment to a Civil Defence Corps must fulfill the following conditions;
- s/he shall be a citizen of India, or a subject or Sikkim or of Bhutan or of Nepal.
- s/he shall have completed the age of 18 years provided that this age limit may be relaxed at the discretion of the competent authority up to a maximum of 3 years for any branch or category of the Corps.
- s/he shall have passed at least the primary standard, that is to say, the fourth class, and this condition may be relaxed by the Controller at this discretion.
- Both men and women shall be eligible for appointment to the Corps.
- A person shall not be entitled to be appointed to the Corps unless he is found to be physically fit and mentally alert.
- Any service in the National Volunteer Force and in the Armed Forces of the Union shall be a special qualification.
Who is eligible for enrolment in a Civil Defence Corps?
- Armed Forces of the Union
- Police Force
- Fire Services
- Territorial Army or Auxiliary Forces of any of the Defence Services.
- Civilian personnel employed in connection with the Armed Forces of the Union This regulation shall not apply to Government servants who are specifically deputed for whole-time or part-time civil defence duties by the Heads of organisation or services concerned.
What are the conditions for application?
- Every person eligible for appointment under regulation 3 shall be required to apply in Form "A" and also present himself for interview before the competent authority.
- Every candidate shall be required to produce a certificate from his employer agreeing to spare his service for training and duty, when so required.
- The Controller may, for advising him in the selection of candidates, constitute a Selection Committee which shall consist of such number of members and such persons as the controller may determine and appoint.
- All candidates shall be required to undergo training and pass examinations prescribed by the competent authority.
What will be the tenure of the Corps?
A candidate shall be enrolled as a member of the Corps under regulation 5, initially for a tenure of three years which may be extended more than once each time by a further period of three years.
To become a Civil Defence Volunteer the following points should be considered:
- The State Government or any person appointed by the State Government.
- Any Indian personnel (Male / Female) can become a Civil Defence Volunteer.
- He / She shall be citizen of India or of Bhutan or of Nepal.
- He / She shall have completed the age of 18 years.
- He / She shall have passed at least the primary standard.
- He / She shall physically and mentally fit.
Every person eligible for appintment under regulation shall be required to apply in Form 'A' (given below) and also present himself for intervew before the competent authority.
A candidate who has been accepted for appointment to the CD Corps shall be formally enrolled in such manner as the Controller may, by order, determine and at the time of enrollment shall make an oath or affirmation according to Form 'B' before such officer as the Controller may, by order, appoint.Members of the following forces or services are not ordinarily eligible for enrollment in a Civil Defence Corps:
- Armed Forces of the Union;
- Police Force;
- Fire Services;
- Territorial Army or Auxillary Forces of any of the Defence Services;
- Civilian personnel employed in connection with the Armed Forces of the Union
A candidate shall be enrolled as member, for initial period of 3 years, which may be extended more than once each time after a period of 3 years.
Every person appointed to be a member of the Corps shall be issued a certificare of membership in Form 'C'.
The members of the Corps shall ordinarily serve in a voultary and honornary capacity.
Members of the Corps may be called on duty for
Every person appointed to be a member of the Corps shall be issued a certificare of membership in Form 'C'.
The members of the Corps shall ordinarily serve in a voultary and honornary capacity.
Members of the Corps may be called on duty for
- training
- practice or exercises
- perform the duties assigned to them by order under the regulations
While undergoing training or on duty, no member of the Corps shall absent himself from any lecture, practice or exercise or any other training course, except with the specific permission of the Officer-in-charge, or other superior officer.
A member of the Corps shall, when on duty, wear such uniform and badges of the rank or insignia and carry such equipment as may be prescribed by the Controller.
A record of service in respect of every member of the Corps shall be maintained in Form 'D'.
Any member of the Corps who desires to leave the Corps shall submit his resignation in writing to his immediate superior officer giving at least two week's notice.
A member of the Corps shall, when on duty, wear such uniform and badges of the rank or insignia and carry such equipment as may be prescribed by the Controller.
A record of service in respect of every member of the Corps shall be maintained in Form 'D'.
Any member of the Corps who desires to leave the Corps shall submit his resignation in writing to his immediate superior officer giving at least two week's notice.